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现代半导体工艺技术的发展使得在单芯片上放置数百个运算单元成为可能,但是全局片上片外带宽受限。通用处理器体系结构不能较好地适应变化,仍然依靠全局片上结构,少量的运算单元。而流体系结构拥有大量的运算单元、鲜明的存储层次,使得在有限的片外带宽下,用高的本地带宽来满足大量运算单元的需求。首先介绍了原型MASA流体系结构,然后给出了爆轰流体力学中的二维拉格朗日和欧拉结合法(Ygx2)在流体系结构上实现的实例研究,最后用时钟精确的模拟器来评测应用的运行性能,结果表明Ygx2应用在500MHz的MASA上运行结果与1.6GHz的Iantium2的比较快近4倍,证实了流体系结构在高性能计算领域的极大潜力。  相似文献   
高含水油藏建库储气机理的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下储气库是规避天然气消费不均、管道输送风险,保证我国天然气工业的安全、高效、持续发展的有效途径。高含水油藏建造储气库已成为我国建造储气库中十分重要的发展方向,对中东部地区显得更加迫切。建库储气机理研究是建库可行性评价和建库设计的关键基础研究,文中应用物理实验方法模拟高含水油藏建库渗流条件,进行建库储气能力影响机理研究,对探索高含水油藏建造储气库具有指导意义。  相似文献   
分布式仿真系统的体系架构对于整个系统的功能实现和运行性能起着决定性的影响,为能充分利用仿真系统测试和评估军事信息系统网的性能,该文首先介绍了军事信息系统网(Military Information System Network:MISN)的组成和特点,并在分析基于数据库的仿真系统和基于HLA(高层体系架构)单联邦仿真系统局限性的基础上,得到了基于HLA的军事信息系统网分布式仿真多联邦体系框架,实现了联邦间功能转换所需的桥接联邦.该体系框架较好地完成了多通信网系的分布式交互仿真.  相似文献   
建立具有舰载多传感器信息融合系统功能的C3I系统是目前和未来C3I系统的首要发展方向.应用HLA仿真技术进行舰载多传感器信息融合系统试验仿真,对于增强系统的通用性、灵活性、重用性和互操作性,实现复杂C3I系统集成具有重要的现实意义.首先提出了基于高层体系结构(HLA)的舰载信息融合系统的设计框架,其次阐述了系统设计思想和舰载多传感器信息融合仿真系统组成及功能,并针对作战想定背景进行了对象类和交互类的开发,最后给出了联邦仿真流程,实现功能模型和物理模型的建模.  相似文献   
高等院校作为知识创新的基地和人才培养的摇篮,必须将创新意识和实践能力的培养融入到教育的全过程。武警学院作为一所公安现役高等院校,通过加快课程体系建设和教学内容、教学方法改革,加大实践教学比重,改革考试方法、完善教学评价体系等措施,初步构建起了具有自身特色的创新教育人才培养模式。  相似文献   
根据光通讯无源器件和激光探测仪器对光学薄膜的特殊需求,采用解析法和自动优化法综合设计了高隔离度的干涉截止滤光片,分析了膜厚改变2%对设计膜系的透过率曲线的影响,通过莱宝APS1104镀膜机对所设计的膜系进行了实际镀制,获得了性能优良的高隔离度截止滤光片.  相似文献   
Many researchers have focused on the role colonialism has played in causing interstate border disputes in Africa. Besides the colonial issue, this paper seeks to investigate what other factors fuel interstate border disputes in Africa and determine how effectively the disputes can be resolved. In recent decades, Africa has been tormented by and is still experiencing numerous interstate border disputes which have serious implications for the disputing states. Some of the disputes are resolved, but violations of human rights and instability still occur in these regions. By analysing the content of some relevant documents and with the use of interviews, this paper reveals that most disputing African states rely heavily on foreign intervention (especially by their erstwhile colonial masters) in the resolution of their disputes. It is argued that African leaders need to be more committed and exhibit better leadership in resolving their border disputes, and that they should always seek the expertise of African forums such as the African Union (AU) before calling for foreign intervention. It is suggested that African leaders and the AU understand the problems of Africans better than anyone else, and they are also the ones mostly greatly affected by these disputes. Thus, there needs to be more of a focus on addressing the root causes of disputes in order to avoid them resurfacing, rather than seeking to merely halt them.  相似文献   

Sectarian militants have for years launched attacks from Pakistan across the border to Iran. Finding sanctuary in a neighbouring country can make the difference between success and failure for militants. Conventional wisdom holds that a lasting transnational militancy challenge would typically create serious interstate conflict. Militancy has triggered armed encounters between Iran and Pakistan. This article argues that despite some tension militancy has resulted in deeper cooperation in the ambivalent dyad. Both states’ overarching security concerns, having exhausted other options, the believed involvement of third-party states, and economic potential, have moderately alleviated negative pressure caused by militancy.  相似文献   
xxxx超声速引射器是高空模拟试车台的重要组件,在发动机启动前利用引射器对试验舱预抽真空可避免发动机启动初始时刻燃气漏入试验舱造成燃气在发动机中分离,对获取发动机在高空环境下的完整推力特性具有重要意义。而该工况下超声速引射器的启动过程是引射器工作过程中最为恶劣的工况,设计不合理的引射器会导致启动压力过高甚至不能实现启动。建立了缩比超声速空气引射器试验台对超声速引射器的启动特性进行研究,采用压力测量方法结合纹影技术对超声速引射器处于极限启动压比时的流场进行了描述,研究结果表明混合室收缩比越小,引射器极限启动压比越低。同时给出了定位超声速引射器不启动原因的判据:当引射器不启动是由引射总压不足引起时,盲腔压力在引射总压提高时降低,并在临界启动状态下达到最小值;而由混合室收缩比过小导致的引射器不启动在引射总压提高时盲腔压力单调上升。  相似文献   
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